Garden Tour at McMullen House Bed & Breakfast Garden, hosted by Robert Coxe
Location: Titusville, PA
Date: May 18th
Time: 10am*
*followed by a 1pm Hike at Oil Creek State Park w/ WPA Botanical Society (
Please register by May 16th.
The McMullen House Bed & Breakfast Garden is a native plant and butterfly garden that surrounds the house and is about a third of an acre in size. The garden began mostly as lawn and has been planted section by section. It is designed to host many different species of butterflies and insects and provide habitat for other animals. Highlights include the milkweeds for monarch butterflies, violets (Viola spp.) that are planted around the house, goldenrods (Solidago spp.) for late season insects, and the moss lawn for fireflies.
Robert Coxe, one of the owners of the Bed & Breakfast, received his undergraduate degree in Plant Taxonomy and Systematics from UNC-Asheville, his Masters degree in Ecology at UNC-Charlotte, and worked on his PhD in Forest Ecology at West Virginia University. Robert has worked as a Research Scientist at the Biota of North America Program (BONAP), Ecologist at the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, and as the State Ecologist of Delaware. Robert currently has a blog about native plants and butterfly gardens at ( and has a web design firm, Silphium Design LLC (, that specializes in websites for environmental organizations and businesses.
Registration is required for all garden tours. Address and important information will be sent a few days ahead of each garden tour.
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