

2024 Plant Sale Volunteers

🌱 Calling all native plant enthusiasts! The Western Pennsylvania Area Wild Ones chapter invites you to lend a hand at our native plant sale on June 15th at RiverTrail Park in Aspinwall. We’ve got our team of dedicated planners and growers, and we are looking for extra assistance on the day of the event. Whether […] Continue reading "2024 Plant Sale Volunteers"

21 Delectable Goldenrods (Solidago spp.) to Grow in Your Allegheny County, PA Butterfly Garden

Goldenrods are an important nectar source for insects in the late summer and fall and can be a vital part of your butterfly garden in Allegheny County. The genus name, Solidago, derives from the Latin words, Solidus and ago, which together mean to make (ago) whole (Solidus). This meaning comes from the medicinal uses of […] Continue reading "21 Delectable Goldenrods (Solidago spp.) to Grow in Your Allegheny County, PA Butterfly Garden"

18 Spectacular Asters (Symphyotrichum spp.) to Grow in your Allegheny County, PA Butterfly Garden

American-asters, those in the Symphyotrichum genus, as opposed to the European asters, those in the Aster genus, are one of the most common flowers in the late summer and autumn. These plants serve as host plants for the Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos), American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis), and silvery checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis) butterflies as well as […] Continue reading "18 Spectacular Asters (Symphyotrichum spp.) to Grow in your Allegheny County, PA Butterfly Garden"

Letter Writing Campaign

You can copy and paste the below letter and email to: [email protected] Subject Line: CPNWC Meeting comments To Whom It May Concern: WILD CHERVIL (Anthriscus sylvestris) LESSER CELANDINE (Ficaria verna)  CHOCOLATE VINE (Akebia quinata) In addition to these three species, I recommend the committee consider the following species as they are currently in the nursery […] Continue reading "Letter Writing Campaign"